Friday, 10 May 2013

Colouring flowers!

We have been busy scientists this week in Reception. We have been learning about the different parts of a flower and what they do. We wanted to test and see if the stem really does carry water up to the petals. We decided to put white flowers into coloured water and see what happened. 

We added different dyes to the water. We talked about what we thought might happen and made some predictions... 

"I think the flowers will die if we put coloured water in"

"I think that the petals might change colour - pink, no I think blue - because the water is blue."

"I think the one that is half in the red water and half in the blue will look like a British flower"

"I think it will just be the same tomorrow because it takes ages for plants to grow"

We were amazed to see the results!

Can you explain to an adult why the flowers changed colour? 

Do you know the different parts of a flower?

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