Tuesday, 30 April 2013

RDW Rescue Party

RDW Rescue Party

We have enjoyed reading the story about Percy the Park Keeper called The Rescue Party, where rabbit got stuck down a well.  We sent a rescue party to our Wildlife Area to help Percy help rabbit to escape ... but she was stuck up a tree instead!  We did teamwork to decide how to rescue rabbit and worked together to get her down from the tree.  Look at what great teamwork we have been doing and how we share our ideas with one-another. 

We have been learning all about plants! Have a go at singing this song!

Monday, 22 April 2013


We love joining in with this taking away song...

Can you remember the action and the sign for 'take away'? 

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Percy the Park Keeper

Last week we started our new topic 'Percy the Park Keeper and his Friends'.

We enjoyed reading the story  - The Rescue Party.  Poor Rabbit got stuck down a well. We thought carefully about the best way to rescue rabbit. We worked really hard to write rescue plans and then we sent some rescue parties up to the wildlife area to have a go at rescuing rabbit from different places. 

Here are some children in RL having a go at rescuing rabbit from the well. 

You can watch the video to see how rabbit manged to escape in the story...

Sunday, 14 April 2013


Hello lovely Reception! 

I hope you have all had a fantastic break and are looking forward to coming back to school on Tuesday! 

I have enjoyed a lovely trip to Uganda, in Africa.  I was so happy to take with me all of the shoes and clothes that you and other children at Woodmansterne brought in. Here are some pictures of the children enjoying their new shoes. 

School in Uganda can be very different to school in England.  

Here is one of the classrooms. What can you see that is the same and what is different from our classroom? 

In Uganda the children enjoy a drink called porridge during break time. What do we have for our snack at school?

The children have to wash their hands first just like you do. These children are washing their hands outside using rain water that has been collected in a tin can. 

The children enjoy drawing and playing football just like lots of children at Woodmansterne do. 

I can't wait to hear what you have been up to in the holidays. Why don't you comment below and tell everyone. 

Miss Lunn :)